Museum security

8 800-250-66-73
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Objects of art are just as often targeted by intruders as are any other kind of value, be it currency or expensive equipment. The cost of individual exhibits soars to sky-high numbers. That is why museums and galleries need professional protection.

The Pharaoh group of companies provides comprehensive security services for institutions of any level - whether it be a modest exhibition hall or a whole memorial complex. Our experts will reliably save all artistic values and protect personnel from external threats.

What does security do

Theft, vandalism, fraud - this is not the whole list of problems that the museum management faces. Establishments that introduce society to culture and history must be ready to resist criminals, dishonest people and problematic visitors.

What are the tasks of museum security?

  • participation in the organization of the access control;
  • maintaining public order;
  • suppressing photo and video shooting, attempts to touch the exhibits, if this is prohibited by the rules of the exhibition;
  • suppression of improper handling of museum property;
  • entrance control and denial of visits to persons behaving inappropriately or intoxicated;
  • expulsion of conflicting visitors;
  • monitoring the activities of guests and staff;
  • protection of property and people in case of attack by robbers.

Cultural institutions can also become a target for international terrorism. The constant presence of physical security, together with the use of modern technical means (video cameras, metal detectors, scanners), will help reduce the risk of a dangerous situation to zero and save many lives.

We are guarding the safety of the largest companies, strategic facilities and events with the participation of the first persons

Moremall, Sochi

This modern commercial complex was built in time for Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games

Галерея, Краснодар

A first-class shopping mall in the heart of Krasnodar

Krylatsky Kholmy business park, Moscow

Five office buildings in this first-class business park, located in one of the cleanest areas in Moscow in terms of ecology


One of the largest car holdings in Russia. 81 modern car dealerships

TPS Nedvizhimost, Moscow

TPS Nedvizhimost builds, acquires and manages real estate


One of the largest furniture and home goods chains

World of tanks, Moscow

One of the world's largest publishers and developers in the free-to-play MMO games market

Rosneft, Sochi

Art Avia heliport in Sochi, Rosneft corporation

Особенности работы

Под внимание охраны музея попадают не только выставочные залы. Сотрудники службы безопасности должны контролировать весь периметр вверенного объекта. Сюда включают:

  • фойе с действующими кассами;
  • служебные помещения;
  • склад для хранения экспонатов;
  • комнаты, где проводятся лекции и семинары.

Эффективная охрана музея требует как стационарного поста с доступом к системе видеонаблюдения, так и регулярного мобильного патрулирования или нахождения дополнительных постов около особо ценных экспозиций. Только в такой связке можно обеспечить всесторонний охват всей площади заведения.

What do we offer

At your request, the Pharaoh private security agency will form a team of competent security specialists who are well acquainted with the specifics of museum security. We vouch for these people and we are sure that they will protect both cultural values and the staff of your institution from any encroachment.

Group of companies "Pharaoh" operates throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. We are also ready to offer individual solutions for clients from other regions of Russia.

Contact our manager directly or leave a request using the form on the site. We will provide information on the terms of cooperation and answer in detail the questions that have arisen.

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8 800 250-66-73
Anton Dmitriev Commercial CEO

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