Happy Cosmonautics Day!

April 12th in Russia marks the date on which we celebrate cosmonauts and aviators. 55 years ago Yuri Gagarin became the first human in orbit aboard the Vostok spacecraft, paving the way for many scientists and cosmonauts, ingeneers and constructors. Thanks to their dedication Russia remains one of the world leaders in the field.

Pharaoh GC is proud of providing security for Plesetsk Cosmodrome with good reason. Located 180 km south of Arkhangelsk, the spaceport was created in 1957. The first facilities for launching military spacecrafts appeared shortly afterwards. Mirny, a new town for the support of the facility, was founded here. On January 1st the construction of the Cosmodrome passed under the control of the Federal Agency for Special Construction of Russia. From then onward, the whole concept changed, with the focus on the leading special object – the Angara multi-purpose launch pad.

2014 became a turning point in the history of the space industry. The launch of Angara-1.2PP, a new light ecologically clean carrier rocket, on July 9th 2014, became a well-deserved reward for all the hard work, discipline and responsibility of those who created it. Five month after, on December 23rd, 2014, the first test launch of heavy Angara-A5 was carried out successfully. The innovative approach made it possible to launch the whole family of Angara space rockets from the same launch pad. In years to come Plesetsk intends to launch 10 heavy, 4 light and 5 medium-class carriers.

The creation of Angara space rocket complex opened up new horizons and a free and independent space access. Now Russia can place diverse space vehicles into orbit straight from its territory.



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